This beach hotel, surrounded by a large garden, is located on the outskirts of the renowned area of Torremolinos; the nearest sandy beach is approximately 1 km away. The centre of the town with a variety of shops, restaurants and bars is located at a distance of less than 1 km. The nearest train station is 100 metres away. This modern hotel is ideal to spend a relaxed holiday under the sun and to enjoy active days by the sea.

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Transport cu avionul pe ruta OTP - AGP (OTP-AGP, AGP-OTP)

1 bagaj de cala si 1 bagaj de mana/ persoana

Taxe de aeroport

Transfer aeroport - hotel - aeroport

Cazare 7 nopti

Asistenta turistica in limba romana

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Asigurare de calatorie medicala si storno

Cheltuieli personale, bacsisuri, bauturi si servicii/facilitati neincluse in pretul pachetului (in functie de oferta fiecarui hotel)

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Tarife vacanta Aluasun Costa Park Hotel, Torremolinos - Spania

Verifica tarife si disponibilitate

Solicita oferta